Category: Investing Strategy

Here’s How You Can Limit Mistakes In The Stock Market [Chills 56 with Kenny Loh]

“No matter how, we will definitely – I say, definitely – make mistakes in the stock market, in the investing world.” This is what our guest Kenny asserts in this week’s Chills with TFC. Do you agree with him? As an independent financial advisor and REITs specialist, Kenny ( has many great investing insights to share with us.

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Ep 82: 3 Potential Pitfalls When Using Robo-Advisors

In episode #82, we share with you 3 potential pitfalls when using Robo-Advisors. Robo-advisors are on the rise and many of you may have some cash in them. Truth is, we’re actually pretty supportive about using them from a broad perspective. However, there are some real challenges that may cause retail investors some problems, especially when you are not attuned to investments. Tune in as we share with you some potential pitfalls and problems you may face when interacting with Robo-advisors to manage your finances and investments. What are some things you have to take note of when using Robo-Advisors? What strategies are most of these Robo-Advisors using and how can you leverage on it? What should you understand about a Robo-Advisor before you invest in them?

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Ep 6: How to Use Bonds to Enhance Your Portfolio? – Chuin Ting from MoneyOwl

In episode #6 of Chills w TFC, we bring on the CEO of a company that has been leading the charge in the local financial social enterprise scene. In investing, stocks often steal the limelight, while bonds are often the sidekick. Most of us don’t pay much attention to bonds. However, they can actually play an important role in your portfolio. Join me as I chill with Chuin Ting from Money Owl and dig her brain to understand how bond works. Bonds have a very different way of making money. But, how exactly do they make money? How can you pick your own bond fund? Can you make money in the current bond environment where there’s a lot of negative yield? Tune in to find out!

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Investing Strategy

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