Tag: Budgeting

“Sustainable Renovation” is smart budgeting for tomorrow! [Chills 111 ft Solar AI, Tingkat & Gush]

Sustainability has become a fashionable idea, everything seems to need to be aligned with it, and sometimes it feels a little much. But did you realize that the wet market is already a very sustainable system? Where is the packaging? So it seems, maybe being sustainable is not always about moving forward and embracing new ideas but looking back and wondering, is there a way to live well without hurting our planet?

Today we focus on renovation. A big step forward for young couples in Singapore. While many are renovating, the 2 extremes are “this is my home, we must use the best” and “we just spent a lot on the home, maybe we want to avoid a renovation loan?”But is there a sweet spot between the 2 extremes that lets us live comfortably, sustainably and cost-friendly?

Joining us today are Start-up founders, Bolong Chew from Solar AI, Lester Leong from “the very expensive paint company” GUSH and Corporate Sustainability Advisor Pamela from Tingkats.sg!

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Ep 72: Hacking Budgeting with Multiple Bank Accounts(My Ultimate Strategy!)

In episode #72, we share with you how to hack budgeting with multiple bank acocunts. Budgeting goes beyond a Mathematical formula, the psychological elements and daily habits are rarely factored in. Most of us use only one bank for every purpose. Our savings, investments, expenses all go to that one account. It seems to simplify our finances. But in fact, it complicates it.Tune in as we explore how to use multiple bank accounts for better budgeting and how it can help you better manage your money.