Is The Consumer A Rational Actor? [Chills 67 with Jamus Lim]

Is The Consumer A Rational Actor? [Chills 67 with Jamus Lim]

What governs your thought process behind every financial decision you make? Do you truly believe you are an independent decision-maker, or are there other agents at play in the financial market? To answer these thought-provoking questions, we need to dive into the study of economics and learn how human behaviour can be modeled from the interactions between economic agents in the economy. 

Our guest for today is certainly more than qualified to talk about economics. We are honoured to have with us Mr Jamus Lim, Associate Professor of Economics at ESSEC Business School & Member of Parliament for Sengkang GRC.

This is Part 1 of a two-part series where he shares his knowledge & expertise on what economics is good for, the 3 types of traders in the market and the big question: are investors rational in the market?
Stay tuned for Part 2 of the series next week!

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