The Principles of a Good Investment | How To Invest Pt.1 [Chills 138 feat. Thomas Chua @steadycompounding]

Are you looking to make serious money through investing?
Well, hold on tight because we’ve got an incredible story coming your way.

When the pandemic hit, it opened up a world of opportunities for those willing to take risks. We explore the thrilling journey of one individual who went from being a bystander to diving headfirst into the world of investing. From the lessons learned to the secrets of success, you’ll discover how to manage your money wisely, even in uncertain times.

We’ll cover everything from stocks to cryptocurrencies and reveal the inside scoop on Singapore’s investment scene. Get ready for a wild ride filled with valuable insights, expert tips, and a winning formula for long-term success.

Don’t miss out on this insightful podcast episode that could change the way you think about your financial future. We hope you get invested in investing so that we can enjoy life to the fullest when we retire.