Make Your 2024 Budget Today With Mindfulness [ft Lisa’s Adulting in Singapore]

Lisa, the vibrant creator behind the popular YouTube channel “Lisa’s Adulting in Singapore,” engaged in a candid conversation about her journey as a content creator, her personal finance insights, and the challenges she has faced along the way. This episode provided valuable insights into Lisa’s experiences and shed light on the evolving landscape of content creation and financial education.

As Lisa explains, “Setting goals that are realistic yet still push you out of your comfort zone is key. I like to think through not just the numbers but how achievable they truly are given my circumstances each year.” She aims for an incremental 10% beyond what feels easily obtainable.

For 2023 specifically, Lisa ‘s monthly savings goals centered around putting $400 toward a future holiday fund. Rather than an end-of-year target like in 2022, focusing on monthly progress kept her consistently on track. “Having automatic savings set up each month is so mindless – by December the work is done whether the market fluctuates or not,” she notes.

However, Lisa acknowledges goals shouldn’t be too cushy either. “Why set yourself up to fail? It’s so demoralizing to promise something statistically impossible just for ego’s sake.” Finding the balanced approach feels most sustainable.

5 Reasons Realistic Goal Setting Leads to Success:

  1. Goals are designed to be achievable given your true circumstances and bandwidth
  2. Small wins each month/quarter keep you motivated rather than waiting until end of year
  3. Automatically saving monthly prevents market fluctuations from derailing progress
  4. Not overstretching avoids future disappointment from inevitable life unpredictability
  5. Balanced approach to progress feels maintained long-term vs. temporary ‘big push’ mentality

Beyond numbers, Lisa aims for balance across finances, health, relationships and personal fulfillment. “Money goals can’t be my sole priority.” Still, her disciplined approach allows hitting targets while also enjoying life’s moments.

Lisa essentially “sets up the runway for herself to win” each year through meticulous planning. But as her experience in 2023 showed, having more flexible funds to work with also requires evolving her mindset.

By then freed from her original “Low Buy” spending restrictions which curbed non-essential purchases to just $50/month in 2022, Lisa faced new challenges. With $300 now for discretionary costs, constant deal-seeking drained valuable time and mental bandwidth that year.

“Your time and wellbeing are so worth more. I don’t want shopping to define how I fill my weekends anymore,” Lisa resolves. Inspired by Karl Jung’s perspective on technologies hijacking our precious attention, she plans steps to minimise habit-forming apps and regain control.

A digital fast during a recent solo Thailand trip proved eye-opening. “I rediscovered how to just be, without constant noise or task-filling. My independence from devices felt liberating.” Such lessons will better equip Lisa to navigate lifestyle changes as her priorities continue shifting over the years.

You can check their full interview on Chills with TFC, Episode 153 on YouTube, Spotify, Apple Podcast for the candid podcast episode offers invaluable strategies – backed by Lisa’s real-world experience – for setting attainable goals, keeping finances on track responsibly and evolving one’s mindset as needs change over time. Listeners gain actionable tips whether just starting their adulting journey or looking to refine existing approaches.

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