3 Things You Should Know About The HDB Lease Buyback Scheme [First Dibs 190]

One crucial aspect of retirement planning – the Housing and Development Board (HDB) Lease Buyback Scheme. This policy allows homeowners to sell the remaining years of their lease to the government, with the earnings flowing into their CPF retirement account.

Participating in the scheme may have implications for the future sale of the flat, but HDB does consider exceptional circumstances. It’s important to engage with HDB, ask relevant questions, and clarify details.

We explore the connection between the Lease Buyback Scheme and CPF Life, and how considering CPF funds as a down payment and transferring funds from the Ordinary Account to the Special Account for higher interest can be a wise strategy.

To gain valuable insights into the lease buyback scheme and other retirement strategies, tune in to this episode of The Financial Coconut podcast. And remember, staying informed and making well-informed decisions is key to taking control of your financial future. Don’t miss out on this informative episode!