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The Financial Coconut Podcast

The Financial Coconut is Singapore’s First Finance Podcast Network. We are focused on covering insights, stories and frameworks around Retirement, Financial Wellness and Income anywhere. 

Hosted by Reggie, the Chief Financial Coconut, with Special Guests and Co-Hosts.

  • Entertaining and Insightful Discussions on Money and Life
  • Covers Topics Like Personal Finance, Investing, Entrepreneurship, and More
  • Blends Humour and Storytelling with Practical Advice and Expert Insights
  • Designed for Young Professionals Navigating Life's Challenges

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Chief Financial Coconut, with Special Guests and Co-Hosts

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Asia Podcast award

Our Flagship Shows

TFC Wise and Shine

Wise and Shine

We believe perspectives shape a rounder thinker. In this series, we bring on interesting, relevant people to help you learn better from various perspectives. Life is not always about learning from people that you already agree with.

chills with tfc

Chills with TFC

We bring you entrepreneurs who will give you insights and sharing on how they made it and what failed for them. Get ready to take control of your financial future and live your best life, financially wise

Business Shows

TFCBS Podcast cover art

No sugar-coated pep talk - expect war stories and hard-won lessons from the front lines of entrepreneurship.


We aim to equip you with the knowledge to make strategic decisions about regional expansion, talent acquisition, and team management. Anticipate insights from industry leaders on building and managing successful businesses and teams across Southeast Asia's diverse markets. This podcast is a collaboration between The Financial Coconut and Glints Talenthub.


Real Estate Investment Trust (REITs) have emerged as a significant asset class on The Singapore Stock Exchange (SGX), an appealing option for stable, income-focused returns. We are focused on understanding how they make their money and how it affects us as smart investors.

Be REITired is a Vodcast produced by the team at The Financial Coconut, in collaboration with SGX and REIT Association of Singapore (REITAS)Each episode we spend quality time with the REIT manager to understand the risks and opportunities for their REIT.

Malay & Chinese Shows


理财哦椰![The Chinese Financial Coconut]

大家都说你不理财,财不理你,听了都烦死了。怎么理才真的有理?太多太多达人把理财聊得如此高大上!真的这么难吗? 可以有趣点吗?欢迎来到《理财哦椰!》,由 Sian 与 Alan 两位理财新手陪同您与嘉宾朋友们轻松对话来解答您在个人理财路上的大小提问,与您一同用趣味的方式提升理财能力和自信,跟上市场变化,朝我们的财富目标前进!


The Kaya Raya adalah sebuah audio siar yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan kesedaran kewangan para pendengar dengan membincangkan topik dan isu-isu yang menarik berkaitan pelaburan dan pengurusan kewangan yang selaras dengan hukum Syariah. Audio siar ini menampilkan jemputan khas seperti para-para pelabur yang berpengalaman, pakar-pakar kewangan dan juga usahawan-usahawan terkemuka.

Antara kandungan utama yang dikongsikan di dalam perbincangan audio siar ini adalah mengenai pelaburan saham, hartanah, emas, insurans, belanjawan dan juga perancangan untuk persaraan.

Audio siar ini juga menyiarkan kisah jatuh bangun para usahawan bertujuan untuk memberi inspirasi kepada pendengar untuk menguruskan kewangan dengan lebih bijak demi mencapai gaya hidup yang lebih selesa serta bebas dari belenggu kewangan.

Our Host & Co-Hosts

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Louise Patton

Louise Patton

CEO and Founder

Highlight your team member's unique expertise, experience, and interests. Keep this concise yet engaging, showcasing their professional journey, and the valuable skills they bring to the table.

Micheal Barton

Micheal Barton

Chief Operating Officer

Highlight your team member's unique expertise, experience, and interests. Keep this concise yet engaging, showcasing their professional journey, and the valuable skills they bring to the table.

Angela Brooks

Angela Brooks

Chief Technology Officer

Highlight your team member's unique expertise, experience, and interests. Keep this concise yet engaging, showcasing their professional journey, and the valuable skills they bring to the table.

Brian Lee

Brian Lee

Chief Financial Officer

Highlight your team member's unique expertise, experience, and interests. Keep this concise yet engaging, showcasing their professional journey, and the valuable skills they bring to the table.

Anne Kim

Anne Kim

Chief Design Officer

Highlight your team member's unique expertise, experience, and interests. Keep this concise yet engaging, showcasing their professional journey, and the valuable skills they bring to the table.

Sara Ortiz

Sara Ortiz

Chief People Officer

Highlight your team member's unique expertise, experience, and interests. Keep this concise yet engaging, showcasing their professional journey, and the valuable skills they bring to the table.

Seasonal Shows

  • Blockcast
  • BUDGET 2024 cover art
  • TFC Market Updates
  • Gendbonds

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