Is “Forward Singapore” more of the same talk and no action?
With cost of living on the massive rise, and our island becoming increasingly dense, success feels out of reach for some. Or is it a phenomenon of the next generation of Singapore, redefining what success means to us? We casually roll our eyes at “the Singaporean dream” and be like, Sian. But what do we really want? What does success mean to us today and what is a Singapore we want to create for our kids? it is not always the government, let’s talk.
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Join us for the coming 2 weeks as we discuss our hopes and dreams for Singapore and give you the a different view of Budget 2023. We seek the expand the discussion and allow more perspectives to thrive as our nation decide how we spend our moolah! Actively comment on our telegram, Reddit and socials! We want to hear from you too!
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More about Singapore Budget here.
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